Evening sex adventure

Evening sex adventure

Evening sex adventure Erotic Stories I wondered why men are so often dissatisfied with sex. I talked to my friends who had similar dilemmas. I didn’t understand them, I didn’t understand myself, I didn’t understand dissatisfied men. I wanted to be a 35-year-old happy with my life. Unfortunately, somewhere there was a dissatisfaction, a lack of full satisfaction, and life was quickly slipping away. I decided to change something, surprise my man, chase away the routine from the bedroom.I quit my job earlier and sent the kids to their parents. I prepared a bath, relaxed andI was getting ready to …

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Working after hours can also be fun

Working after

Working after hours can also be fun. sex stories Working after hours? The company was boiling. Reports for the management for the general meeting of the board were not ready, and the last day of the week at work was to end in just 2 hours. I knew you had to stay after hours. I sat furious with my colleague Michał at the spreadsheet, entering data. “No chance to finish this by 4pm,” I muttered under my breath. -Why don’t we take a break and finish at my place tonight? Michał looked at me questioningly saying that. I hesitated for …

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Understand the opposite sex

opposite sex

Understand the opposite sex. erotic sex stories The rush of life imposes certain patterns of behavior. Once upon a time, the rat race did not exist, money was supposed to provide basic needs, it is not only about physiological needs, but also a bit of entertainment and relaxation. Today, making money has become the goal of most people. Often, this rush causes us to miss important parts of life and disturbing signals. Time and fatigue limit us.We do not notice, for example, that the relationship is falling apart, that the child has serious problems, etc. Cheating is very common today. …

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