Birthday at Raphael’s

Birthday at Rafał’s – a story for adults.

While at my friend Rafał’s birthday party, I met my ex with whom I was over 10 years ago. From a distance, we saw our relationship from 10 years ago in a completely different way and many of our memories made us laugh. Dorota, because that was my ex’s name, lived out of town, so I offered her a place to stay after the party, which she gladly agreed to. After midnight, although the party was still going on, I ordered a taxi and we went to my place.

Dorota went to the shower and I opened the beer for us. When she finished her bath I marched to the bathroom and left her with a beer and some music on. When I came back Dorothy’s bottle was empty, so I opened another beer for her.

“Where will I sleep?” she asked.

“Lie down in my bedroom, I’ll sleep on the couch in the living room.” I replied.

“You don’t have to be on the couch.”

“You’re a guest, so your bedroom is for tonight.”

– That’s not what I meant. she said, adding:

“You can sleep with me if you want…”

“Okay,” I replied.

“Well, now that we’ve agreed, let’s go to bed?”

“Okay,” I said, wanting to clear away the open bottles of beer.

“No, we’re not taking beer with us,” she said, taking hers.

– Okay.

We went to bed in the bedroom and there was an awkward silence.

“Do you remember our dirty talk?”

“I remember,” I replied, though it seemed strange to talk about it years later.

“We always said what we wanted to each other. Truth?

“I guess so,” I replied, a bit embarrassed.

“You said ‘kick me off’ and I did it to you…

– Well, it worked the other way too – I replied, because I was getting more and more stupid.

“I know, I’ve told you more than once to lick me or stick me…

– And you know what? she added.

– What?

– I want you to lick my pussy – she said in a slightly changed voice, pushing back the quilt.

I slid down, let’s say her legs and grabbed the elastic of her panties which after a while I took off her ass.

I barely did it and Dorota spread her legs wide inviting my tongue to her pussy. I started to lick her and caress her clitoris with my tongue, she moaned softly until she finally rose on her hips pushing her asshole towards me.

I knew what she meant and I took care of her other hole, first teasing her with my tongue in circular motions and finally pushing my tongue inside her. I remembered doing it many years ago and she always enjoyed it. A few minutes I fucked her anus with my tongue and she pressed her asshole against my face, but the tongue went deeper. I was very excited so I wanted to enter her. I lay down on top of her and my dick entered her pussy flawlessly. Fucking her at the same time, I massaged her clitoris, which she liked very much. Dorota moaned softly, after a few minutes of hard fucking Dorota had a strong orgasm. When she came to her senses after that, I left her and, crouching over her face, gave her a dick, which she licked with tenderness from her own juices. I moved higher and Dorota began to lick my balls, which gave me incredible pleasure, but not only that I wanted. She understood my intentions and more and more I began to feel her tongue near my anus. After a while, I felt him lick me. I pressed harder, practically sitting on her face and then I felt her tongue enter my hole. I couldn’t stand it and shot sperm that flooded part of Dorota’s face. I had an amazing orgasm.

When I came to, I lay relaxed next to her and we both fell asleep quickly. Birthday at Rafał’s seemed quite successful…


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