Hot neighbor

Hot neighbor.
Erotic story

This story, although it may be short and strange, but I can assure you that it is quite true.
Living in a small block of flats, with only 3 floors and one staircase, everyone knew everyone. No new person arriving in our block could escape anyone, especially when it was a pretty young girl. Just such a girl showed up with us in June, renting one of the apartments. On the third floor, right next to mine.
We never talked to each other, but exchanged perfunctory pleasantries, somehow I was too shy and she was smiling, full of self-confidence and intimidating me a lot.

When I was returning home around noon on one of the hot days in July, I found my new neighbor at the front door. I missed the first one for a gentleman and followed her. She was wearing a mini skirt very short and sexy. When I was following her, it was impossible not to look at her ass and her which skirt made me see part of her buttocks as well. The girl was walking slowly and I, who was used to fast walking, was even dragging after her. However, it definitely did not bother me with pleasure and I was watching my neighbor’s buttocks with more and more excitement. At one point it seemed to me that there were no panties under that skirt, but I was too embarrassed by the possible risk of noticing my interest in her ass to get a better look.

At times it seemed to me that she was walking so slowly and that she was aware that I was watching her. When we were on the 3rd floor and everyone headed to their door, she looked at me with a smile that seemed quite “sly” to me, as I would say “Did you like it?”
That night I could not sleep I kept thinking about my neighbor and her skimpy clothes. I dreamed of meeting her again by following her up the stairs. However, weeks passed and I couldn’t meet her. My disappointment turned into oblivion and I stopped “hunting” my neighbor.

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At the beginning of August, practically at the same time as in July, I again met my beautiful neighbor at the front door. And this time I let her go first and she was walking slowly again and I was enjoying her almost naked buttocks again, I was almost sure that she was walking without panties. I wanted to see her pussy so badly that I was glancing at her less and less discreetly. On the stairs between the second and third floors, the girl slipped her handbag from her shoulder and leaned over it, and for that moment I saw her butt out and naked pussy. Yes! She really didn’t have any panties! Still being tilted, she turned her head towards me, smiling and then it crossed my mind that she had done it on purpose. After a while we walked on, I couldn’t even contain my excitement, it was obvious that my jeans had a bulge, but I didn’t even think about it.

When we opened the locks of our doors she looked at me coquettishly saying “See you later”. When I cooled down at home after seeing her naked ass and after analyzing the whole situation, I came to the conclusion that she was provoking me and I felt that now I should take the initiative.
So what did I do? What do you think? Let me give you a hint – nothing at all … the girl moved out of our block about six months later, and I didn’t have the courage to make friends with her. To this day I regret it …

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