Evening sex adventure

Evening sex adventure

Erotic Stories

I wondered why men are so often dissatisfied with sex. I talked to my friends who had similar dilemmas. I didn’t understand them, I didn’t understand myself, I didn’t understand dissatisfied men. I wanted to be a 35-year-old happy with my life. Unfortunately, somewhere there was a dissatisfaction, a lack of full satisfaction, and life was quickly slipping away. I decided to change something, surprise my man, chase away the routine from the bedroom.
I quit my job earlier and sent the kids to their parents. I prepared a bath, relaxed and
I was getting ready to become a deity. I don’t know if that word is right, I wanted to look sexy rather than divine. The bath relaxed me, I put on an airy dress. I looked quite appetizing, I liked it.

I put the dishes ordered in the oven from a good restaurant. There was too little time for me to cook something myself, and seriously, I preferred to relax and rest for a while. I prepared a table for two and waited longingly for my husband. Suddenly I heard a text message and I looked at the phone. Nothing came to me, I looked around. Michał’s phone was on the cupboard, he forgot to take it on his way to work. I unlocked and read the message. I stared at her motionless, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The content is clear, one conclusion, my husband is cheating on me. I wrote back to the text message on his behalf. Kasia wrote back, that was the name of her husband’s lover. I wrote a few more text messages that plunged my husband even more.

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After these several or a dozen text messages, I called and forbidden to hang up under the threat that I would be there soon. The moment I forced a conversation, I asked a few questions, then thanked him and hung up. I opened a bottle of wine, poured a glass and drank it in one breath. I poured another one and another, before I looked back, there was nothing left in the bottle. I glanced at my watch, wondered if he had already reached her, I knew he would go to her and hear that I already know. I opened a second bottle of wine, filled a glass, but somehow I couldn’t drink, my head was spinning. I came to the conclusion that I would eat something, maybe I would feel better, the alcohol would stop working sooner. I ate mechanically all the time wondering why it happened. I heard the sound of the doorbell ringing. I went to open it, and there was a work colleague with documents in the doorway.

He was looking at me slightly surprised. After a while, he choked out that I hadn’t taken the briefcase to finish the check. I just said ok and took the briefcase from his hands. I tried to close the door, but he held it down. Of course, he apologized for it and asked what was going on, he also added emphatically that I would rather not do it tomorrow, so he would help me. I agreed because I might have fired from work.
I invited him in and pointed to my laptop to work. I offered dinner and a glass of wine and pointed to the oven. He understood and put it on himself, he asked nothing more.

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I went to the door and locked it, went back to Charles, and without thinking I hugged him and kissed him. He was surprised by my behavior, but I didn’t stop. I kissed him more firmly and greedily. I felt his surprise as well as his excitement. Without words, I got to his fly. I unbuttoned it quite efficiently, after a while its member was outside. I started to move it around, I felt it stiffen, getting tougher with each passing moment. He sat down on the chair, I knelt down and took my cock in my mouth, started sucking rhythmically. I sucked, licked, kissed, caressed and balls. I saw pleasure on Karol’s face, I guess nobody sucked him for a long time. I put his cock deep, I felt a gag reflex, I kept going, I thrust it even deeper.

Charles’s cock was stiff and hot. Suddenly I felt his hand on my chest, hesitantly he was sliding my dress off. I did not protest, so he did it more confidently, unbuttoned my bra, which after a while was lying on the ground. I was still caressing his cock and balls.
He pulled me up, kissing my body, he pressed me against him, sliding my panties off, I didn’t even know when he pulled off his pants. After a while I felt his cock inside me, he entered without resistance, I was very wet, I sat on him and thrust him into my wet pussy. He held my buttocks and helped me rise so that after a while I would sink deeper onto my cock. My body was eager for sex, I wanted to feel it, I wanted him to fuck me hard, sense it and pull me off. He got up and bent me down, I leaned against the table and he put me from behind. He started with quick, deep movements, which is what I wanted.

He was banging me hard, and more and more juices were leaking out of my pussy. In spite of myself, I started to moan, he picked up the pace and pushed even deeper. I could feel his testicles against my buttocks. My pleasure was getting bigger and bigger, suddenly he broke off, pulled the cock I wanted so much inside me, leaned in and started to lick my wet pussy.

I whispered for him to fuck me. I heard:

– say it louder.

– Fuck me!

– I’m gonna fuck you with a bitch. Do you want this?

– Yes, I want it!

Po chwili poczuła w sobie penisa, poczułem wielką przyjemność. Karol był dla mnie bardzo surowy. Nie znałam wcześniej tego uczucia. Zaczął masować moją drugą dziurkę, trochę się spięłam, ale przycisnął mnie do siebie i czule pocałował. Po chwili ruszył naprzód i ponownie doszedł do drugiego otwarcia. Nie protestowałem, zauważył oliwkę na lodówce, sięgnął bez zatrzymywania się, ponieważ była w jego zasięgu. Poczułem chłód na tyłku, potarł oliwkę, po chwili poczułem jak jego palec wbija się w moją pupę. To było przyjemne doświadczenie. Wkrótce zaczął wpychać tam swojego penisa, wchodził dość niechętnie, nie zatrzymując się. Masował moją cipkę ręką, czułem jego penisa w dupie. Szedł coraz głębiej, bolało, jęknęłam. Przerwał na chwilę, kontynuując masaż swojej cipki i piersi. Ból ustąpił i zaczął mnie popychać. Kutas wchodził głębiej i bezboleśnie, czułem wielką przyjemność. Pieprzył mnie w dupę i masował moją cipkę. Bardzo go podnieciło, poczułam jego ciepłą spermę, poczułam, jak mnie wypełnia, czułam, jak wypycha mojego kutasa. Wyszedł ze mnie, wziął serwetki, które były na stole i wytarł mojego penisa i pośladki.
Zapytał, gdzie jest moja torba na laptopa, a ja w jakiś sposób stałam w miejscu. Wskazałem palcem, gdy pakował mój laptop i papiery. Nadal stałem bezsensownie nieruchomo. Zebrał elementy mojej garderoby i zapytał, gdzie jest sypialnia. Chwycił mnie za rękę i weszliśmy do sypialni. Sięgnął po moją jednoczęściową piżamę i pomógł mi ją założyć. Zachowywałem się, jakbym był sparaliżowany. Podniósł kołdrę, a ja położyłem się bez słowa. Zapytał, czy ktoś tam będzie, inaczej zamknie drzwi i jutro rano w drodze do pracy odbierze mnie. Powiedziałem, że będzie ktoś. Odpowiedział, że wtedy ich nie zamknie. Pożegnał się ze mną czule i dodał, że ugoda to zrobi.
W oddali usłyszałem, jak komuś mówi dobranoc, a po chwili w drzwiach stanął mój mąż. Spojrzał na mnie bez słowa, a ja też milczałem. Zapytał, co to znaczy, odpowiedziałem tylko, żeby zamknąć drzwi po drugiej stronie.

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