Gym, swimming pool, unforgettable sex.

unforgettable sex

Gym, swimming pool, unforgettable sex. adult erotic stories After a hard week, I went to the gym. I don’t know when the hour has passed. I noticed a muscular guy next to me, he took off his shirt. I looked around, there was no one. His sweating muscles were impressive. – Hello. – Hi. I felt stupid that I was watching like a teenager. – We’re closing soon. – Oh. I checked my watch and said goodbye. I also wanted to use the pool. I quickly went to the changing room and ran to the pool. There was no one …

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August picnic

August picnic

August picnic adult sex stories The weather at the end of August was quite tolerable, so my girlfriend Jola and I had an idea to go on a picnic outside the city. I am not very much into such excursions, but decided to make an exception. The plan was simple, pack some wine and take the city bus as far as possible and then look for a nice clearing in the forest. Already after 30 minutes we were on some suburban forest boo. Even quite quickly we found a clearing surrounded by forest, we spread out a blanket and food. …

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Understand the opposite sex

opposite sex

Understand the opposite sex. Sex News The rush of life imposes certain patterns of behavior. Once upon a time, the rat race did not exist, money was supposed to provide basic needs, it is not only about physiological needs, but also a bit of entertainment and relaxation. Today, making money has become the goal of most people. Often due to this rush, we miss important parts of life and disturbing signals. Time and fatigue limit us. We do not notice, for example, that the relationship is falling apart, that the child has serious problems, etc. Cheating is very common today. …

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Sex meeting

Sex meeting

Erotic Story Sex meeting I like sex in any form and I have never hidden it, but I have never spread it. I also didn’t brag about going to sex meetings. There is no reason to be proud, but how to have fun these days. I worked from 8 am to 9 pm every day including Sunday. Only that on Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm. How to find a guy with so little time and one who has to accept my constant absence. I’ve been feeling tired lately and needing a little closeness and affection. I also needed …

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Football fan

Football fan

Football fan Erotic Story I was sitting at home a little impatient. A colleague from work was about to come over. Coincidentally, during the lunch break, we agreed that she was a football fan and we agreed from word to word to watch the match of our national team. Overall, I wasn’t a fan of football, but if you saw it, you would also become a fan of any sport that interests it. I just wanted to spend some time alone with her. A young, attractive girl who dresses sexy and is hard not to look at if you pass …

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My boyfriend’s crash

My boyfriend's crash

My boyfriend’s crash. great sex stories I was turning 30, I was in a relationship with an attractive man who did not want to change his life. A loose, informal relationship was enough for him. We have been together for 5 years. It didn’t bother me either, but I wanted to start a family. I earned very well, I had a small house. I did, because at the age of 28 I repaid the loan. My guy didn’t add a single zloty to it, but I always said it was our home. I kept saying that until I caught him …

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Hot Flirty – The best dating sites

Hot Flirty – The best dating sites Comparison site for sex dating sites. We invite you to visit the new dating site comparison engine. Fast and free registration for each of the presented dating sites and a large selection of possible partners, do not need to present more advantages of this portal? 🙂 Choose the right portal for you and register and you will surely meet interesting people of the opposite sex. Online dating is an ideal way to meet someone with the same preferences, e.g. sexual preferences or matching character traits. Before you get to know each other in …

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Sex History part 7. Night fun.

Night fun

Sex History part 7. Night fun. graphic sex stories I sat tired and bored after working all week. It was a hard week and the last meeting with Ania did not give me peace as well, I couldn’t see what to think about it. Since then, the silence hasn’t called or texted, apparently she didn’t have time or was just plain stupid. In the moment I least expected, I heard the doorbell ring and laughter at the door. What’s up, I haven’t dated anyone. Ania also rather anticipated her visits. I walked quickly to the door, opening it quite abruptly. …

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